
Bad Breath Treatment in Phoenix


A beautiful smile with a toothbrush being held in front of the teethAlmost everyone has experienced that awkward moment when we realize our breath is still carrying the odors of what we ate at our last meal. While this is a dreaded realization, it is even worse for those patients who deal with bad breath on a regular basis. Despite a person’s best attempts at keeping the teeth clean, or popping breath mints, some just can’t get rid of bad breath. This is because the only way to effectively eliminate bad breath is to treat it at its source. While a simple mouthwash may work for some, others require restorative dentistry treatments to eliminate decay or infection. Dr. Todd Holton helps his Phoenix patients determine bad breath causes and treatment that can effectively restore fresh, pleasant breath.

Bad Breath Causes

There are several factors that can lead to bad breath. Determining the source of bad breath is key to its successful treatment. Below are some common causes of bad breath:

  • Odorous food: Foods with strong odors are a common source of bad breath. Foods that may result in bad breath include onions, garlic, coffee, etc. While these foods can make the breath smell unpleasant, this is typically the cause of only temporary cases of bad breath.
  • Tooth decay, infection, or gum disease: Tooth decay is a common cause of habitual bad breath. The collection of bacteria and the buildup of plaque and/or tartar can create an unpleasant odor. If bad breath is a habitual problem, it is likely that decay or infection is present.
  • Dry mouth: The saliva is the mouth’s natural cleanser. Saliva helps wash away food particles and bacteria to keep the mouth clean. Patients who suffer from dry mouth lack the moisture needed to perform this task and are likely to suffer from bad breath.
  • Poor oral hygiene: It is very important to clean the teeth properly in order to remove bacteria and food particles and prevent oral health problems such as tooth decay. If the teeth are not brushed at least twice a day and flossed on a regular basis, bacteria can build up and lead to bad breath.

Bad Breath Treatments

There are many products available that help mask or temporarily treat bad breath. These include breath mints and mouthwashes. However, unless the source of bad breath is food, this is not an effective treatment. In order to effectively eliminate bad breath long-term, treatments will be based on treating the source of bad breath and may include the following:

  • Restorative dentistry: There is a wide range of restorative dentistry treatments that can rid the mouth of harmful bacteria, treat any present disease or infection, and restore the health of the teeth and/or gums. Treating these conditions can be effective in eliminating bad breath.
  • Artificial saliva: If dry mouth is causing bad breath, artificial saliva can be used to ensure the mouth stays moist. This helps to create a cleaner oral environment and can effectively treat bad breath.
  • Teaching proper oral hygiene techniques: Sometimes bad breath treatment is as simple as education. Dr. Todd Holton can ensure that proper cleaning techniques are being used to maintain a clean and healthy mouth.

Contact Us

If you continually suffer from bad breath and have been unsuccessful in your attempts at treatment, it is time to seek professional health. Dr. Todd Holton can determine the source of bad breath in order to offer the most effective treatment. Contact us to learn how we can help you restore fresh, clean breath. We look forward to hearing from you!


Bad Breath Treatment in Phoenix
